Prabowo-Sandiaga's Electability Continues to Rise

Prabowo Subianto. Ferry Juliantono, Spokesperson for the National Winning Agency (BPN) Prabowo Subianto - Sandiaga Uno responded to the results of Denny JA's Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI) which showed that Prabowo's electability was stagnant. According to Ferry, they will conduct an investigation of LSI. Even though Electabilias, the Prabowo-Sandiaga Uno pair is still in an upward trend, it is still thinly compared to the electability of Jokowi-Maruf amen. By intensifying the Campaign and introducing Prabowo-Sandi Work Programs, they will get more sympathy from voters who have not yet made their choice.

"We will survey the people who still believe LSI or not?" Ferry said, when interviewed by the guest speaker, on Friday, December 7, 2018.

In Ferry's view, the LSI survey is very different from the survey conducted by other institutions. His party doubted LSI's independence in conducting investigations. He also stated that he did not want to be disturbed, and that he was more confident in investigating BPN's internal data.

The LSI survey shows the difference between the electability of the Jokowi - Ma'ruf and Prabowo - sandiaga pairs. The Jokowi - Maufuf pair gained 53.2% of the electability, while Prabowo - Sandiaga only had 31.2%. During the two-month campaign, which began from September to October 2018, LSI noted that all electability dynamics have not changed much. "The distance between the two candidates is still above 20 percent with Jokowi-Mauf superiority compared to Prabowo-Sandi," Rully explained in the publication of the survey results in Jakarta, which was held on Thursday, December 6, 2018.

In Rully's view, the two candidates and their representatives only occupied themselves in giving sensational arguments. so that this method is considered not influential in changing people's views in choosing, who is worthy to be their leader later.

"Petahana (Jokowi) and the team still seem to be involved in conversations full of sensations in the early days of the campaign. On the challenger's side (Prabowo) there hasn't been a single work program that sounds massive in the public ear during the initial period of the campaign, "Rully explained.

The survey data collection took place from 10 to 19 November 2018. The survey methodology was based on multistage random sampling with 1,200 respondents. Face-to-face interviews conducted by respondents using questionnaires and margin of error survey around 2.9%.


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