PRABOWO SUBIANTO: WE HAVE TO SPEAK 'Right Yes Right, What Is Wrong Is Wrong'

Prabowo Subianto. We should convey the truth as it is, without having to be covered up, without adding and without reducing. Talk "That's right, right, wrong, wrong." Honesty is a Luxury thing, and because of that luxury, only a few people are able to live in Honesty. Even though honesty cannot guarantee a sufficient life, with an honest life we ??will be calmer.

The presidential candidate from the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, on several occasions made quite controversial statements. For example, we gave him a statement of disappointment, about reporting Reunion 212 where only a few media reported it. His disappointment, expressed in his speech, at the International Disability Day commemoration. Prabowo explained that the press people had tried to manipulate democracy.

"The media are great with big names and say they are objective even though they are part of the effort to manipulate democracy. We talk right, right, the wrong one is wrong, they want to say that 11 million is only 15 thousand. Some even say that more than 1,000 ask what is up to him, "Prabowo explained, when interviewed by the speaker.

Seeing this problem, in the view of Prabowo Subianto, journalists and the media have turned away from their profession. In addition, in the view of Prabowo Subianto, that person is not entitled to be called a journalist.

"There are a dozen million they don't want to report. they have betrayed their duties as reporters. They have betrayed their duties as journalists. I say hey, the media who don't want to say there are tens of millions of people or at least millions of people there, you have no right to look at predictable journalists again, "Prabowo added.

Prabowo Subianto also said that there were parties who wanted to bribe the community when the election was held with money obtained in less respectable ways.

"The money that comes from improper practices, the rough money they get from stealing Indonesian people's money. with that money they want to bribe all layers of the Indonesian nation. all layers. all political parties are bought. officials purchased. The people want to be deceived, "said Prabowo, while addressing the Grand Sahid Hotel, Jakarta, on Wednesday, December 5, 2018.


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