
Prabowo Subianto: Easy Children Must Be Proud of Indonesian Batik

Prabowo Subianto . Pekalongan – Calon Presiden Prabowo Subianto berharap kepada anak muda atau kaum millenial di seluruh Indonesia untuk terus ikut menjaga dan mengembangkan warisan budaya lokal. Salah satunya seperti batik. Karena itu, ia menghimbau agar anak-anak muda jangan malu memakai batik dalam aktivitas kesehariannya. “Anak muda harus bangga pakai batik, dan ini harus menjadi daya tambah untuk membangkitkan ekonomi rakyat serta melestarikan dan mengembangkan warisan budaya lokal,” imbuh Prabowo saat berkunjung ke Showroom Batik Dian di Jl. Kalimantan No. 16, Sapuro Kebulen, Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah, Minggu (30/9/2018). Capres nomer urut 02 yang diusung oleh Partai Gerindra, PKS, PAN, Partai Demokrat, dan Partai Berkarya itu menegaskan, jika ia dipercaya dan dipilih untuk menjadi Presiden Republik Indonesia maka ia akan memperjuangkan peningkatan ekonomi rakyat Indonesia. Terkait dalam sentra produksi batik, ia juga berjanji akan terus mengembangkan produksi lokal dengan me...

Prabowo dances when Alunan Tandjidor Betawi is sounded

Prabowo Subianto . Presidential Candidate number 02, Prabowo Subianto attended a nationality gathering held by the Advanced Indonesian Movement at the Puri Agung Ballroom, Sahid Hotel, Jakarta, Friday (10/10/2018). During his visit, Prabowo, who wore a black cloak in brown batik, was immediately greeted by the typical Betawi culture Tandjidor music in front of the Ballroom door where the event was held. He immediately stopped his steps to listen to the strains of the instrument. "Wow, there is Tandjidor," said Prabowo briefly while enjoying the typical Betawi music. Unexpectedly, after a brief comment, Prabowo who came with Deputy Chairperson of the Indonesian House of Representatives Fadli Zon, Former Finance Minister Fuad Bawazier and other figures immediately danced when the Tandjidor group personnel sang yellow betel music instruments typical of Betawi songs. Suddenly, General Chairman of the Advanced Indonesian Movement (PIM) Din Syamsuddin who welcomed Prabowo...

Rarely Performing on TV, This Is Said by Prabowo Subianto!

Prabowo Subianto . Candidates for President Prabowo Subianto rarely appear on television screens during this 2019 Presidential Election campaign. Some even considered the General Chairperson of the Gerindra Party not only because they rarely appeared and were covered by the media. However, the reason is incorrect. Prabowo Subianto turned out to have very dense activities even though it was far from journalists' observations. According to Deputy Chairperson of the Gerindra Party DPP in the field of regeneration and public information, Sugiono, although it is not a public agenda such as holding an open campaign with thousands of people in the regions. But the activities carried out by the former Kopassus Danjen were aimed at the wider public interest. "Many people do not know that Mr. Prabowo's agenda is very solid even though it is not a public agenda," Sugiono, Jakarta, Monday, October 15, 2018. "But the agenda of the activities he undertakes is aimed at...


Prabowo Subianto . Commissioner General Moehammad Jasin also became a very influential figure in the Indonesian National Police (Polri). Formerly Jasin and the Special Police Forces played a very large role in the Surabaya battle in November 1945. One of his courage was to break through the whistle of enemy bullets to stop the shooting. Jasin also formed the Mobile Brigade (Brimob) for the assignment of National Police Chief Gen. Raden Said Soekanto Tjokrodiatmodjo. He was later appointed to be the father of Brimob. At that time, his main task was to overcome the threat of security and order, one of which faced Dutch Military Aggression which lasted twice, and the terror of the Ratu Adil Armed Forces (APRA) rebellion in Bandung, and finally security of roads in West Java from the threat of mobs / TII. Jasin continued to work in the police until he became the Commissioner General. There is an interesting story about how Jasin felt deeply moved. The Legendary Commander of the Mobil...

KISAH PRABOWO: Prabowo Subianto's sacrifice for warriors until they have to sacrifice their own desires

Prabowo Subianto . Monday afternoon, I met Asaldin Gea in one of the areas around Grand Indonesia. Gea was so called, a former Kopassus soldier with the final rank of the TNI Captain. He is also known by many soldiers as a former aide to Prabowo in his packaging age. His age is still relatively young, 43 years old and also chose to resign as a sign of his loyalty to the figure of Prabowo. But he was reluctant to speak of many reasons for his decline. Because he respected the institution that had raised him. "Speaking of the TNI, until the end of my life I was still proud even though I chose to retire young, that was my privacy. What is certain is that this loyalty is not limited to a general named Prabowo Subianto, "he said briefly. While having a small discussion about Pak Prabowo's political movements ahead of the presidential election, Gea suddenly chuckled after seeing a treadmill displayed on one of the storefronts. (treadmill; running and jogging facilities common...

Volunteers Go Prabowo-Sandi: We Are Very Ready To Win Presidential Candidates-Vice President Prabowo-Sandi

Prabowo Subianto . Millennials who are members of the Go Prabowo-Sandi Volunteer (GPS) are formed from young millennials who are the next generation of Indonesian people who are forward-thinking, creative and energetic. Millennials live in an advanced era, completely automated but with more complex challenges. Their competition is not only from within the country, but the competitors also come from abroad who work online. Volunteer Go Prabowo-Sandi (GPS) expressed his support for Vice President No. 02, Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno. They believe they will be able to deliver Prabowo-Sandiaga to win the 2019 presidential election. "Today I will say that the GPS has never hesitated in arranging Prabowo-Sandi as President of the Republic of Indonesia. One that I say is that sincerity and determination are our stronghold of the problems we face, "said the Chairman of the GPS, Gumilar Yo, at the Grand Cempaka Hotel, Jalan Letjen Suprapto, Central Jakarta, Saturday 17 November. ...

Prabowo-Sandiaga's Electability Continues to Rise

Prabowo Subianto . Ferry Juliantono, Spokesperson for the National Winning Agency (BPN) Prabowo Subianto - Sandiaga Uno responded to the results of Denny JA's Indonesian Survey Circle (LSI) which showed that Prabowo's electability was stagnant. According to Ferry, they will conduct an investigation of LSI. Even though Electabilias, the Prabowo-Sandiaga Uno pair is still in an upward trend, it is still thinly compared to the electability of Jokowi-Maruf amen. By intensifying the Campaign and introducing Prabowo-Sandi Work Programs, they will get more sympathy from voters who have not yet made their choice. "We will survey the people who still believe LSI or not?" Ferry said, when interviewed by the guest speaker, on Friday, December 7, 2018. In Ferry's view, the LSI survey is very different from the survey conducted by other institutions. His party doubted LSI's independence in conducting investigations. He also stated that he did not want to be disturbed, ...

Prabowo-Sandiaga: Our Campaign Will Run Very Cool

Prabowo Subianto . Vice President Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno, ended his activities in the city of Palembang, South Sumatra, by holding a friendly and breakfast event together with residents of Palembang city, on Saturday 08 December 2018. During his visit to Palembang on 7 and 8 December 2018 Sandiaga was accompanied by the central board. The Working Party, Priyo Budi Santoso, and several other parties, held several discussion activities with various elements of the community. During a friendly meeting with Palembang residents, Sandiaga invited people who were sympathizers of the Prabowo-Sandi presidential and vice presidential candidates to participate in a cool campaign, by not debating whatsoever and not taking provocative actions. This is aimed at making Indonesia a better country. Public participation is highly expected to win the presidential and vice presidential candidates from the Gerindra Party, namely Prabowo and Sandiaga Uno, in the April 17 2018 election, which was held in ...

PRABOWO SUBIANTO: Gerindra Presidential Candidates Will Not Lie To Society

Prabowo Subianto . Mardani Ali Sera Member of Parliament from the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) faction proposes to increase teacher salaries to 20 million rupiahs. He said that his desire to increase teacher salaries now is one way to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. But Prabowo Subianto said he did not want to promise prominently during the campaign. The presidential candidate from the Gerindra party does not want to lie to the public Because, with such high salary offerings, the government can freely choose the best teacher to teach in Indonesia. But what about Prabowo's and Sandiaga's answers? Presidential candidate number 02, Prabowo Subianto, did not want to make promises about teacher salaries. Previously, Mardani Ali Sara, spokesman for the National Winning Body (BPN) President and vice president, Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno, suggested that teacher salaries would reach 20 million rupiah. . Prabowo questioned the origin of the budget if the salary ...

Prabowo Subianto: It's New It's Coffee, Men Drink Coffee

Prabowo Subianto . Presidential candidate number 2 President Prabowo Subianto is a coffee lover, a refreshing drink. "This Is Just Coffee, Men Drink Coffee" was the words he said when he delivered his speech at the 26th International Disability Day, which was held in Grand Sahid Jaya in Jakarta on Wednesday (5/12). In his speech, Prabowo asked for a cup of warm coffee at the event committee. "I'm not here for long, it's very difficult. Prabowo if there is a podium in front of the mic, there should be coffee here, "Prabowo joked at the program. The event was attended by Gerindra cadres who were also members of the Indonesian Parliament. Prabowo suspects that his cadres will be together with their aides so they will not be served coffee. So he didn't talk at length. Gerindra cadre, also sitting as a member of the House of Representatives, was also seen attending the event. Prabowo suspected that his cadre had deliberately not given coffee treats so t...

Prabowo Surrounded by Very Good People

Prabowo Subianto . Good or bad someone is influenced by the environment in which the person is located. If he is in the middle of a sycophant, in the midst of a thief, in the midst of a fraud, it is not impossible that he will take part in doing bad deeds. Gerindra DPP Chairman Nizar Zahro said he was proud because General Chair Prabowo Subianto was surrounded by people who had integrity. The statement also responded to the accusations of PDI-P Chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri who said that Prabowo Subianto was around people who were not good. Nizar said that almost no Gerindra members in the DPR were affected by the KPK operation. This shows that the people around Prabowo are good people. "He (Megawati) wants to say anything is okay, no problem. Let the people judge what our performance in the DPR is, "Nizar said to our sources in Jakarta, Saturday, November 17. The House Commission X member also stated that the closest people to Prabowo were Gerindra functionaries...

Prabowo-Sandiaga: Let's Come Together to Resolve Problems in This Nation

Prabowo Subianto . Sandiaga Uno, Vice President number 02 commented on press coverage on the 212 Reunion event. The news that the Great Reunion 212 should have had more place in the media because the event involved millions of people. In fact, the public complained about the news that the Great Reunion 212 was very minimal, but Sandiaga asked not to blame the media. Sandiaga invites us to raise our voices below so that we can solve our nation's problems. "I also have a very wide-range media monitoring, even though the priority is one that is very close to the Indonesian people as a whole, namely they want unity, want to be Islamic," said Sandiaga, when interviewed by sources, at Cipulir Metro Mall, Kebayoran Lama Utara, South Jakarta, on Saturday (12/08/2018). In the view of Sandiaga Uno, Reunion 212 is a very big event, so in his opinion, the public only wants to receive balanced news, and there is no partiality to any party. Sandiaga took part in responding to the...

PRABOWO SUBIANTO: Kita Harus Memberikan Kebenaran

Prabowo Subianto . Prabowo was very angry about media coverage in Indonesia. his anger was expressed in a speech on Wednesday on International Disability Day at the Grand Sahid Hotel in Jakarta Wednesday, 5 December 2018. The press was expected to submit truth, because the Press was considered impartial and reported as-is. For Prabowo, the media or press tried to manipulate democracy. An example is reportage from Reunion 212, where only a few media reported it equally. "The media are great with big names and say they are objective even though they are part of the effort to manipulate democracy. We talk right, right, the wrong one is wrong, they want to say that 11 million is only 15 thousand. Some even say that more than 1,000 ask what is up to him, "Prabowo said. With this fact, according to the presidential candidate Prabowo, the media crew has betrayed their duties. Even Presidential Candidates Number 02 argues, that person is not worthy to be called a journalist. ...


Prabowo Subianto . Poverty is a common enemy currently faced by the Indonesian people. To fight poverty, it must start from the determination of the nation's leaders who truly reduce poverty by prioritizing the nation's children to get jobs or development projects. Foreign workers are indeed more efficient, but the money will only flow abroad to the foreign laborer's hometown. Prabowo Subianto once again spoke of "looks". But this time, the look of the supporters of the volunteers who were present at the volunteer briefing at Istora Senayan. Beginning with Prabowo apologizing to the volunteers present. "I want to apologize and make a confession, may I not apologize? Apparently if people apologize in Indonesia this is ridiculed. It's okay if I'm wrong, I'm sorry. I tried not to be wrong, but I was just an ordinary human being, "Prabowo said in his speech at the volunteer briefing supporting Uno Prabowo-Codaga at Istora Senayan, Jakarta, Th...

PRABOWO SUBIANTO: WE HAVE TO SPEAK 'Right Yes Right, What Is Wrong Is Wrong'

Prabowo Subianto . We should convey the truth as it is, without having to be covered up, without adding and without reducing. Talk "That's right, right, wrong, wrong." Honesty is a Luxury thing, and because of that luxury, only a few people are able to live in Honesty. Even though honesty cannot guarantee a sufficient life, with an honest life we ??will be calmer. The presidential candidate from the Gerindra Party, Prabowo Subianto, on several occasions made quite controversial statements. For example, we gave him a statement of disappointment, about reporting Reunion 212 where only a few media reported it. His disappointment, expressed in his speech, at the International Disability Day commemoration. Prabowo explained that the press people had tried to manipulate democracy. "The media are great with big names and say they are objective even though they are part of the effort to manipulate democracy. We talk right, right, the wrong one is wrong, they want to say ...

PRABOWO: I am very proud of the Indonesian people and Muslims who participated in the 212 reunion

Prabowo Subianto . At the 212 Great Reunion, Candidate for President (President) Prabowo Subianto delivered a short speech in front of the Reunion 212. At the end of his speech, Prabowo also expressed his gratitude for being invited to the Grand Reunion 212. "I think that is what I want to say, I am proud to see you, extraordinary, extraordinary, thank you, I was invited today, thank you committee," said Prabowo on stage, Monas, Central Jakarta, Sunday (2 / 12/2018). "Takbir! Takbir! Takbir! "Said Prabowo, who wore sunglasses. Then the crowd welcomed Prabowo's shout with a shout of 'Allahu Akbar'. Prabowo also chanted "free!" Three times. Previously, Prabowo had said that he felt proud that the Great Reunion 212 could run orderly. The masses present were also orderly when the Reunion 212 was held. Prabowo is proud to see millions of Indonesian people and Muslims peaceful and orderly Prabowo is proud to see millions of Indonesian peopl...

Prabowo Subianto at the THe World Meeting in 2019

Prabowo Subianto . In The World in 2019 Gala Dinner, Presidential Candidate number 02, Prabowo Subianto was the keynote speaker. The event was held by The Economist at the Grand Hyatt Hotel Singapore, Tuesday, November 27, 2018. There, a number of things were discussed by the General Chair of the Gerindra Party. Prabowo said, Indonesia is currently in desperate need of smart and honest people to build a healthy democracy. and form a clean and anti-corruption government, "Prabowo said in a press release received from the Prabowo-Sandi Media Center. The former Kopassus Danjen added that Indonesia had entered an emergency of corruption. The indication is from state officials from council members and ministers until the judge is caught by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). "The main issue in Indonesia now is the rampant corruption, which in my opinion is like stage four cancer," he said. Then Prabowo continued, the rampant corruption made the poverty rate of ...